I eat healthy
We must:
- Eat healthy (vegetables and fruits).
- Exercise our body (practice individual or team sport).
- Have a good hygiene (brush your teeth, wash your hands and face, have a shower).
- Healthy habits (sleep 10 hours every day).
Remember the parts of our body!
- The skeleton
We have 206 bones! They support our body and protect our organs.
We study these ones:
- Skull (protects brain and supports face, in head). - Cráneo
- Ribs or Rib Cage (in trunk, protect heart & lungs). - Costillas o Caja torácica
- Humerus (in the arm). - Húmero
- Spine (33 bones called Vertebrates, in trunk). - Columna vertebral (33 vértebras)
- Femur (longest and strongest bone, in the leg). - Fémur
- The muscles
Muscles are soft and flexible. They can contract and relax.
We study these ones:
We study these ones:
- Masseter (in face). - Masetero.
- Biceps (in arms). - Bíceps.
- Abdominals (in tummy). - Abdominales.
- Calf muscles (in legs). - Gemelos.
- The joints
The joints connect and bend your body.
To bend your arm you need:
- Shoulder
- Elbow
- Wrist
To bend your leg you need:
- Knee
- Ankle
- Digestion
- Respiration
- Circulation
que guai rocio 2º a